Ways to curb absenteeism in your workplaces

Absenteeism is the continual or habitual absence of an employee from the workplace. Some of the reason for this could be familial reasons, sickness, stress or burnout and other reasons. However, sickness is one of the top reasons for absenteeism in New Zealand and a big contributor to lost man-hours and productivity in the workplace. Sickness in the workplace is a dangerous phenomenon because of its transmission rates. This is particularly true during the flu season in New Zealand. Most of the sickness is transmitted in the workplace through co-workers who interact in the same area and share common areas and devices.

A greater percentage of sickness passes through uncleaned and repeatedly touched surfaces. These surfaces in the workplace are called High Touch Points aka HTPs. A few examples of High Touch Points in the workplace are doorknobs, finger scanners, water cooler taps, lift buttons, switchboards, microwave and refrigerator handles, handwash dispensers amongst others. Bacteria, viruses and other superbugs are known to live for days to months on these High Touch Points. When people touch these surfaces, these bugs are easily transferred from one person to another.

QualGroup provides the High Performance Cleaning (HPC)methodology implementation on HTPs to reduce the risk of infection at each facility at a significant rate. This includes QualGroup’s unique two step cleaning process of every High Touch Point – We clean it on arrival & we disinfect it on departure. Our HPC model also has unique cleaning tools like HPC manual and HPC plans. This ensures that every cleaning methodology, tool and aspect is communicated to both cleaning staff, supervisors and managers to avoid discrepancy in services. We also perform modern quality checks on the cleaned surfaces to ensure that the service performed is immaculate. This allows peace of mind and greater accountability to our clients. These methods ensure the curb on spread of infection through touch surfaces, thus reducing the spread of sickness in the workplace.